illustrator, writer, and educator
passionate about storytelling.

Currently: Co- Editor in Chief at v.1


(2023) approx. 6 x 6 in e/a
digital and hand embroidery, muslin, felt


"kisses goodnight"
(2023) 6 x 10 x7in, plywood, fabric, felt


"How I Love You"
(2023) 7 x 7 x 12in, fabric, embroidery thread and stuffing
  • Made right after a dear friend’s birthday, this soft scupture aims to celebrate the very practice of celebrating the people around you. It questions if the act of celebration can be a love language too.


"Memories as Objects"
(2021), 7 x 5in, oil on canvas paper



(2021), 15 x 11in, graphite on Bristol paper


"Figure with the yellow lamp"
(2021), 20 x 24in, oil on canvas


"If I could see me through your eyes"
(2021), 11 x 9in, graphite on Bristol


"Imposter Syndrome"

(2021), 12 x 10in, graphite on Bristol paper


"Odd fruit study"
(2020), 20 x 24in,
acrylic on paper

“Avon Theater on Thayer”
(2023) hand embroidery on fabric scraps 


"December 3rd 2022"
(2022) 5 x 6in, cardstock, vellum,  clipboard

  • A hand bound and illustrated exploration of archived intimacy, internal monologue, and connecting threads between multiple streams of conciousness
  • Collaboration between me, the illustrator, and anonymous journal entry submitters

link to complete pdf
published with the IndyX


"Rabbits Go Round” 
(2023) 5 x 5 x  in dimensional wood, clay and acrylic



(2022), 11 x8in, gouache on Bristol paper


"cuentos del alma"
(2021), 4 x4ft, charcoal and ink


"Studio Gloom"

(2021), 8 x 11in, oil on canvas paper